Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

General Print Preparation Placement Tool Operations

Using Bentley Map or regular MicroStation techniques, a map is composed from a variety of reference files and data sources. When the map is complete, the user selects the appropriate print template from a list of available templates. A new print model is created as soon as the user selects a template model and presses the arrow button. New models are created with an incremented number appended to the model name. The print preparation tool prompts the user to place and optionally rotate the various viewports contained in the template. When all the available viewports have been placed, a print model is created with the characteristics defined in the template.

If a Legend Rectangle is present in the Print Template then the user will be asked to define which features should make up the legend. The user will be prompted for each legend rectangle

The map is referenced to the template and clipped to the viewports. North arrows are oriented correctly and text placeholders are replaced. Finally the newly created print model is opened for the user. After opening the newly created print model, the user can fill in final text replacements, add any additional notes, place detail markers or add coordinate labels. Finally the print model can be printed to PDF or to any selected printer using standard MicroStation printing tools.

Tip: The print preparation tool creates a new model in the current DGN file. It is best to open a blank DGN file to create the Map model or to use as a container for your MicroStation references. That way, any new print models will not be stored in your source data.